The main concern is, of course, getting rid of stun traps, as your navis should be able to take a 50HP hit if you set the damage traps off. In this mission, damage traps will do 50 damage when they are set off. Stun traps, regardless of how many are set off at a time, will incapacitate a navi for one turn. There are two kinds of traps: damage traps and stun traps. Both, however, will disarm traps and claim all other prizes, so they are your only protection against traps. NumberMan's NumberCheck will claim all the items in a three by two range but not liberate any panels, while SearchMan can liberate all item panels in a line of unoccupied dark or item panels. NumberMan and SearchMan have vastly different abilities. Colonel: Your search power is something else! Complete the liberation within 9 phases! Lan: Roger! NumberMan? NumberMan: I can search and grab items in a 6 sq range without needing to battle anyone. Keep an eye out for traps as we look for the key.
MegaMan: This place seems to be full of BarrierPanels. Colonel: Take it as a sign of his confidence. (back to the team) KnightMan: At least he was polite enough to say his name. Let's see how you managed to make it this far! TomahawkMan: Who the heck are you? CosmoMan: I'm CosmoMan. (camera goes to CosmoMan) CosmoMan: I'll take that as a complement.

NumberMan: This guy sure is one heck of a nasty customer.! CosmoMan: Hee-hee-hee. We can't just liberate panels haphazardly. (camera goes up ahead to a Dark Hole) Colonel: I've heard that some DarkPanels are booby trapped. (NumberMan steps forward) NumberMan: Something's wrong with this DarkPanel.